Buyability Website’s Enhanced Search Functionality

Buyability Website’s Enhanced Search Functionality

The search functionality on the BuyAbility website has recently been enhanced to enable more specific searches to be conducted by potential customers and jobseekers. Searches can be performed by state/territory, postcode, locality, broad business activity, or niche business activity.  This enhanced search functionality helps customers and jobseekers connect with BuyAbility Social Enterprises more effectively and benefit all stakeholders. Simply, it gives visitors what they want while providing the most efficient journey.

From a commercial customer perspective, this enhanced search method is an important development for BuyAbility members who produce various niche products and services, as broad search categories may have missed their products in the past. We hope this improvement will have a flow on effect, encouraging more BuyAbility Social Enterprises nation-wide to employ people with disability, and continue the significant social and economic contributions to local communities resulting from these services.

Commercial customers will be able to conduct a search based on twelve simplified broad business categories, which reflect the most common commercial activities engaged in by BuyAbility Social Enterprises. However, potential customers can also use the free text field to search for business activities not specifically identified among the broader ANZSIC categories listed on the site. For example, if the free text matches a business activity delivered by any of the 160 plus BuyAbility Social Enterprises on the BuyAbility site, the search results will identify this.  

Jobseekers can also use the search function to find BuyAbility Social Enterprises near where they live, or BuyAbility Social Enterprises that offer jobs in a particular field or career that may interest them. It enhances our vision of growing supported employment and provides people with a disability the opportunity to participate and thrive in the workforce. 

Furthermore, analytical research allows us to gain valuable insight into how and why different people and organisations utilise the BuyAbility website, and how we can further improve the journey and secure more business opportunities leading to successful outcomes for BuyAbility Social Enterprises. 

Visit the enhanced BuyAbility search page or view the site’s interactive map today.

We hope you find the enhanced search functionality useful and that it enables you to more easily connect with the over 160 organisations nationally delivering such fantastic employment outcomes for people with disability.


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