Our Work in Action Week celebrates and showcases Disability Enterprises

Our Work in Action Week celebrates and showcases Disability Enterprises

Early this month, Disability Enterprises across Australia held events for BuyAbility’s Our Work in Action Week that drew community and political audiences from across the nation. Attendees enjoyed market days, BBQs, open days, tours, gourmet lunches, afternoon teas and breakfasts. It was a great opportunity for the community to see supported employment in action and demonstrate their support for people with disability.

The BuyAbility Team was very pleased to see Parliamentarians showing their support, as well as a lot of local media coverage of the week. Assistant Minister for Disability Jane Prentice attended numerous events throughout Queensland, demonstrating her dedication and ongoing support of Disability Enterprises and supported employment.

Most importantly, Our Work in Action showcased supported employment, demonstrated the huge range of products and services available from Disability Enterprises, and let supported employees proudly declare – they love their jobs.

The momentum from the events and other BuyAbility initiatives needs to be sustained and built upon as we approach 2018.

Take a look at the highlights from Our Work in Action on our Facebook page.


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