The Disability Trust and IncludeAbility Pilot: Helping people with disability launch their careers

The Disability Trust and IncludeAbility Pilot: Helping people with disability launch their careers

The Disability Trust provides a range of Employment services and supports for people with disability including a Social Enterprise, Youth Transition Supports and a Disability Employment Service.

The Disability Trust has also recently participated in a Pilot with the Australian Human Rights Commission’s (AHRC) IncludeAbility Initiative.

The Illawarra Pilot reflected the key Goal of IncludeAbility, being people with disability obtaining not just a job, but a career.

In this Video on the IncludeAbility Illawarra Pilot, we hear from the Disability Trust management, representatives of the University of Wollongong, Illawarra ITEC, Pilot participants and the former Disability Discrimination Commissioner Dr Ben Gauntlett, who stated that the Includeability project was created to “try and change the narrative concerning the employment of people with disability in Australia.”

Carol Berry, CEO of the Disability Trust, said “It’s been a fantastic opportunity for us to collaborate with the AHRC” and Ed Birt, COO of the Disability Trust stated, “with disability you actually increase your creativity and productivity across the board and you increase the loyalty that people have to you as an employer. I think it is a paradigm shift in the way we approach disability employment.” 

Link to Video:



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