Weve been part of the Tumut community for over half a century. In that time, it has been our privilege to give people the support they need to lead fuller lives, gain satisfying work, and show the world at large the true potential of their hearts, minds and bodies.
Valmar supports people with disabilities to live and work in their own communities.
This enables families and communities to remain connected, it enables real economic participation by people with disabilities, it enhances local employment for support staff and also enables unpaid carers / parents to have a life outside of their caring / support roles.
Employees with disabilities are engaged in secure, well supported, meaningful and locally relevant employment that provide a range of vocational opportunities and career pathways. Being not-for-profit Valmar reinvests all proceeds from our Disability Enterprises back into these businesses to achieve improved pay and conditions, better work environments and more productive work processes and equipment.
Business Contact
John Stanfield
Ph: 0418979569
Em: johnstanfield@valmar.com.au
HR Contact
Gaye Duncan
Ph: 0269474150
Em: gayeduncan@valmar.com.au
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