Willing and Able Foundation

Organisation Details

Brief description

Our mission is to provide meaningful paid employment, personal growth opportunities and other support services in a safe and happy environment for people living with disability.

Our 38 Supported Employees are placed in work most suited to their physical and intellectual strengths and personal preferences.

Willing & Able has a variety of successful businesses which continue to provide employment for its Supported Employees in the Port Macquarie Hastings Region. These being - Op Shop, Woodwork, Renovation & Recycling Warehouse, Coffee Bar and Laundry. We also provide recycling and assembly and packaging services.

The contribution we make to the community

Willing and Able pride ourselves on our contribution to the community. Not only do we support people with disability, we work in partnership with various businesses and other community organisations to always "do good".

How supported employees and their families benefit

The Foundation is a vibrant and sustainable disability enterprise, providing opportunities and pathways for our friendly, willing, and able people.

Organisation contacts

Business Contact
Penny Poulton
Ph: 0265810939
Em: gm@willingandable.org.au

HR Contact
Natalie Fontyn
Ph: 0265810939
Em: admin@willingandable.org.au

Outlets (1)

Outlet Details:

  • Name: Willing and Able (Recycling, Op Shop, Woodwork, Assembly)
  • Address: 39 Jindalee Road, Port Macquarie, NSW, 2444 (view map)


  • Sales: Penny Poulton
  • Phone: 0438 196 962
  • Email: gm@willingandable.org.au
  • HR: Natalie Fontyn
  • Phone: 0265810939
  • Email: admin@willingandable.org.au


  • Disability Support Services
  • Timber Products
  • Laundering & Dry Cleaning
  • General Recycling
  • E-waste Collection

Willing and Able Foundation

NDS member